Monday, September 29, 2008

Playlisting Sociology

(Day a Googol) I am, among other things, currently involved in putting together a reading list for a newly revamped Sociology100 course. As a course that covers a range of sociological topic, you get a fair sampling of each of the major themes of sociology (i.e. economy, culture, gender, race, etc). The benefit of a course like this is, of course, that you get a little bit of everything; you see a larger part of the puzzle. The detriment of this type of course is that you think you know a lot about a lot of things, when in fact you know a little about very little...although some of my students have proven they know nothing about everything.

The reading list for a course of this nature must be as high impact in each area as possible. Each article/chapter must be the seminal work in its area. Sometimes it is hard to make the decision between one or the other. It is in this way that I sort of had to look at putting this reading list together as a playlist. It needs good flow; ideally you want each work to build on the next. It is nice to include something familiar, something that they might have heard of before. Thinking of the work in this way made the whole process go so much quicker. Once you have a theme and a start, it all just comes right together.

What is something about a playlist that doesn't come right together? Answer: a thesis! haha. Funny sad, and very true. I have been avoiding my thesis like the Canadians avoid majority governments. This is not totally true though, I am reading and thinking about the thesis. The thinking is a big part, I have an idea of how I am going to do what needs to be done and what it will require of me. The trouble of course, is providing what is needed between life, job, athletics, and sleep. It will come though, in time.

The 'you must be a truly devoted fan to be reading this' song of the day: Patience - Guns N Roses (who have a new album coming out soon I hear. crazy?!)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Google Turns to Goggles When You Type it Too Many Times

(Day 1 billion) So there is much news (i.e. excuses as to why I have not updated the blog). Firstly, I have a new job as a government mule. The basic breakdown of my day/job consists of me on Google for hours. Google this, google that, lunch, google these, google those, home. The government spends big bucks on academic databases and fancy referencing tools and all I like to use is Google. All in all not a terrible way to spend a paid day, and I even sneak in a game or two of foosball too.

I've also agreed to do a speaking engagement for a local hgh school. The downer is that in the negotiation of this, I have ventured further and further from the original topic. In trying to turn my project into something that 15 year olds can digest it has lost a lot of its edge.... and body. But if I remember the high school cast of characters correctly all I need to do is put together an awesome PowerPoint slide show and they will be happy/not all angsty and stuff.

Finally, I have also joined up at the local letter-named-fitness facility. Gonna pump some iron and rock the delts! ... A joke that goes over a lot better offline, when you can see that I would never "rock my delts." What they do have that I am interested in is a pool and a gymnasium. The pool is no big deal other than the fact that it is right behind my government mule feeding trough, which is nice. But the gymnasium is nice because it hosts pick-up volleyball of a surprisingly high calibre. Frankly, it is always surprising when there is decent volleyball to be had, but that is a story for another blog.

So there is the life wrap up: job, speech, gym. Notice how thesis wasn't in the top three? Wonder why? It's because I am not working on it! Combination of severe writer's block, lack of a positive number in the time/energy quotient, and just plain not wanting to until things settle in a know, after I adequetly rock my delts.

In celebration of a new exciting job song of the day: Getupgotoworkgohomegotobed - Rat Silo

Also: a long overdue congratulations on the successful defences of two highly intelligent, superiorly well written theses on the parts of Mr. Tab A and Ms. DoGooder, fellow members of my cohort, and new members of PhD programs in the area. I tip my hat to you both.