Sunday, March 30, 2008

Preamble to the Second Greatest Writing Work of my life

(Day -2) Here begins the preamble to the Second Greatest Writing Work of my life. I have decided to blog my thesis...well, not the thesis itself, but the experience of writing my thesis. Assuming (hopefully and perhaps misguidedly) that my thesis will be the Greatest Writing Work (GWW) of my life (thus far...that far?) this blog will thus become the Second Greatest Writing Work (SGWW) of my life.

Although, this blog will not document the entirety of the writing process (as much work has gone into getting the project approved), it will cover the majority of the work, starting at Day 1 of actual writing. I have decided that April 1 will appropriately become Day 1 of thesis writing. It gives me a few days to come to grips with the idea of commencing this (now these) monstrous project(s).

Based on the difficulty in choosing the first word of this blog about the thesis, I can only imagine the difficulty I will be facing on Tuesday when I start writing in earnest. With all the thought that goes into it, the first word of my thesis will probably end up being 'the' or an equally boring word. Maybe I can rationalize a reason to begin my thesis with "Bang!" or "Go!" That's more my style.

and to stick with the format of my past blogs, the 'how do I start this thing' song of the day: Where to Begin - My Morning Jacket


1st Reed Daughter said...

All great writing (and writers for that matter) are able to appropriately incorporate at least one exclamation mark into any significant piece of work.

amk said...

I think your thesis should begin with: "Matt Reed!"
