Friday, July 4, 2008

Does Chicoutimi Know They are Luscious?

(Day 95) I know, I know, posts have been further and further apart. That must mean I am too busy working, right? Hahah. Almost. Errands. Things come up. In any event, I have been entertaining cousin M as a guest for the last little while, and sadly had to see him go today. I drove him to the ferry terminal up island so that he could enjoy some more of what this province has to offer. What it clearly does not have to offer is students hard at work.

The drive from Victoria to Nanaimo is full of many wonderful places that I would never like to visit (again). They are, however, in name, quite interesting. My sister-in-law S uses the concept luscious words in her English classes (these are words that are enjoyable to say, ones that rrrrrolll off your tongue). The drive up island has many of my favourite luscious words. There is Chemainus, Cowichan, Nanaimo, and even Qualicum is fun to say too. Although, I think Nanaimo's inclusion is more because I enjoy saying it incorrectly. Nanimoo. Nanaimu. Noonama. After having several encounters with Nanimooers, this practice will not change. That's what you get Nonamu.

What's perhaps odd is that most of my other favourite luscious words are also place names. I would love to live in a city that had a luscious name. Chicoutimi. Shawinigan. Coquitlam. Quilchena. Just kidding. I would never live in any of those places...well maybe Chicoutimi. Maybe Jean Chretien's poor speech pattern came from speaking his town name too many times. "The city I am from is Shawinigan. Shawinigan is da city I am from. I love ma' 'ometown a' Shawinigan. 'Et's a go da Shawinigan. Wa-wa-wa-wa...wa-wa Shawinigan." Hahah. That's the road I am heading down. Wa-wa-wa Chicoutimi. Wa-wa-wa, wa-wa this blog.

The 'wa-wa- song of the wa-wa- day': Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) Jimi Hendrix


Anonymous said...

After reading this post, I'm left wondering one thing: how long it took you to type out the Chretien spiel phonetically.

p.s. you're the cutest.

Jay-glo said...

Do you do a live enactment of that Chretien bit Mr.Reed? I'd pay to see that.
Thanks for the laugh!

amk said...

Wow, I just can't read your blog when I am by myself in public... I laughed at the Chretien part and some guy, WITH headphones on even, looked up and kind of scowled at me. I know I'm in the library, but come on...shouldn't the fact that someone is laughing while in the LIBRARY at 7:30 at night be something to wonder at and admire, not scowl at? Maybe he has no funny friends to make him laugh when he is stuck working late on a Friday night. I'm sorry Mr. Unimpressed-with-other-peoples-amusement. That is sad...