Saturday, June 21, 2008

I've Got Sunshine

(Day 82) With a solid reception at Congress for my work, an uplifting meeting with my supervisor, and a tonne of books I am actually excited to read, you would think I would be just rarin' to go. This is incorrect....well partially incorrect. I am in fact rarin' to go, BUT, it is the first day of summer! If it is not already, it should be declared 'Official No-Writing Day' or 'No-Working Day' for those outside of the Ivory Bubble.

A beautiful day in Victoria is just that...a beautiful thing. I would be hard pressed to be pressured into doing work on this day. So I will instead take the day off and return my mind to a state of peace through meditation (read: intake of sunlight). To make the transition from this state of rest into work a little easier for myself, I have moved a couch onto the balcony. Now I can achieve the extreme state of relaxation I have become accustomed to while being outside also. This spells good things for my writing process. The sun inspires good things in me. Not to cut this short, but I am going to go play outside now.

The 'how much do you love the outdoors' song of the day": Who Loves the Sun - Velvet Underground

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