Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Hear She is a Big Fan of the Blog... Of Course She is, She's My Ma

(Day 41) I think grad school is a full-on assault on one's self-esteem, ego and general perception of self. We are pushed to the absolute edge of what we can handle, and that is just in the coursework. It is not all that difficult to write a good graduate paper, but to be able to do so whilst also marking a thousand terrible student papers, reading just shy of a billion pages of thick academic literature and of course writing papers for other courses as well - well that is pretty difficult. After coursework is completed, we become our own dungeon-masters, chaining ourselves to our desks, computers or too-heavy-to-carry stack of books.

How could one's ego not only survive this destructive environment, but flourish? Grad students can have some of the biggest egos globally, and feel like the smartest people alive, but how? We have awesome mothers! Our mother's are the one's who fuel our egos, as I am sure is true for people in other fields, but that isn't what this blog is about. Grad students can live under the ego-fulfilling prophecy (that someone will actually read their thesis), but in truth, there is always one person outside of ourselves, committee members and fantastic peer editors that will read it: our mothers. Even if our mothers are in different fields, they remain our biggest fans. "Hey Mom, what did you think of my quantum astro-physics, molecularly based agro-commentary on the state of the moons of Saturn?" "Well my child, it was the best physics thesis I have read...ever! You are the greatest [enter your field/discipline here] there is!"

So a big thanks to all the mothers, motherly figures, mothering personalities and moms, for perpetually fuelling all of our egos and making us feel like we are the greatest, despite the opposite being true: they are the greatest! Happy Mother's Day

'I hope you knew it was Mother's Day before you read this blog' song of the day: My Mother - The Tiny


Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwww. I love this post. SO cute, reed!

Uncle 22 said...

Ahhhhh Matthew:
Everybody has to be Somebody to Somebody to be Anybody!!!!

Your Grandmother loves you toooo..

1st Reed Daughter said...

I hope big sisters fall under this category too. :)