Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Beware the Ides of April

(Day 16) One of the many perks of being a grad student, and there are many (avoiding the real world; being able to 'work' in your underwear; still socially acceptable to play video games) is that we can take books out from the library for ridiculous amounts of time. As an undergrad I was limited to a mere two weeks, always running back to the library to avoid late fees (haha, no I'm only kidding, I was never in the library in undergrad). But now I get my books out for the entire term (and I actually take books out too. Look at me!). It is awesome, I have a veritable library in my room courtesy of UVic's loan policy. I get this feeling of importance whenever they say that my books won't be due for...another four months. Yes!

That feeling of being smart and important however quickly fades in the last days of April when I realize that I am going to have to renew all of my books. Entrapment, I say! They knew I wouldn't be able to return all of the books they enticed me to take out.

Now, there is a way to renew the books online, so that I don't have to take all fifty or so back to the library...on the bus. This is where the important/intelligent part fades. I don't know how. It is complicated and confusing. I have to sheepishly return to the site of my crime and ask for the super nice librarians (which almost makes it worse) to help me follow a few links, click a few boxes then press 'renew.' How embarassing.

The 'maybe I should change my reading material' song of the day: Picture Book - The Kinks


Anonymous said...

You're going to be even more choked when you learn the hard way that you can actually only renew books online so many times before you have to bring them back to the library to prove that they're still in your possession and not lost somewhere. It's not pretty, my friend. And neither is the number of overly heavy backpack trips to the school that this process requires. So yeah...have fun with that.

Anonymous said...

p.s. of course I'll drive you....

1st Reed Daughter said...

oh the joys of grad school... what I wouldn't give to work in my underwear again...