Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stereotyping My Typing (in Stereo)

(Day 26) Today was a writing day. Not that the entire day was devoted to writing, but rather that it was a day in which I wrote. Being a writing day, it seemed only appropriate that I would deal with the second biggest obstacle to my progress, as alluded to in the last entry. To put it simply, I am a terrible typist.

One would think that given the amount of time I spend actually typing, whether that is writing papers, chatting online or even in writing this blog, that I would be a better typist. Granted, I am slightly ahead of the 'hunt-and-peck' typing style of my parents (Hi Mom!). I would loosely describe my own typing methods as 'intuitive chaos.' This includes a flurry of movement, and a roughly 80% success rate. All things considered, not terrible.

There are however some words that always elude correct construction by me on the keyboard. I discovered this in my typing skills course in high school (does that make my lack of skill sadder?). No matter the speed at which I was typing, I could never get 'population' correct. It would always turn out as 'poulation.' That ever-elusive second P. This never really bothered me past my Grade 10 assignment on 'Peruvian Population Distribution and Other Demographics' but this anti-skill has returned in the form of another word. 'Network'. It usually takes at least two tries to spell it correctly. Newtorks; netowrks; nertwoks. It is like watching a really sad game of Jumble, where the player is sooo close, but fails to see the obvious word under the pressure of the $25 000 grand prize. What's worse, is that this is a word that comes up with great frequency in my thesis. Wonderful. At least I will get my money's worth from the SpellCheck.

'for the dry spell in the lack of misspells' song of the day: Dry Spell - The Meters


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will become a Master (get it? get it?) of typing words like 'network' by the time you are finished your 100 pages of glorious genius. In the can just embrace your digital (get it? get it?) chaos and thank yer lucky stars for spellcheck.

amk said...

You made me laugh out loud in the library cafe and now I feel like tool.
Thanks for the laughs!